A Message from Anita Dobson

Originally posted on the Home Page in August 2021

A personal message from our President Anita Dobson…

Anita Dobson CAA PresidentHi Gang, you wonderful members of our Fabulous Club. It has been a long hard time for us all since Covid struck and our lives were turned upside down. 
It’s now time for us to reclaim our world and try to embrace life again and that means gently and lovingly meeting our friends and loved ones in a safe way.
I have missed our get-togethers and am hoping to see you all in the not too distant future.  We have lost some members, but we will remember them and raise a glass in their memory.  Life is tough, but CAA members are made of strong stuff and the Club will survive. 
We will keep our traditions and love of life alive.  Showbusiness is the link that binds us and the Show must… and WILL  go on.
See you soon and stay strong and healthy till then, lotsa love your adoring President.
Anita  xxxxxx
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