Chairman’s Report ~ March 2019

Kay Carman

The AGM in March 2018 was well attended and we had some lively discussions. This present committee have been wonderful this year and I want to thank them ALL for their continued help and support. All our office suites are solidly occupied.

One of the rents is up for review in September. We have had an ‘interesting‘ year with the Adventure Bar, when suddenly their outside décor became frighteningly ‘floral’ without seeking our permission! But after a long period, during which I decided to involve our magnificent solicitors, it is all sorted out along with a large increase in rent. I thank the committee for supporting me in this.

Our Social Functions continue to be a huge success and often sell out quickly. We are always open to new ideas so if you have any please send a letter to us, email or contact us through the web site. Sally and her catering team led by Syed always provide excellent meals at the functions. Carlos and Syed cater for lunchtime customers.

We thank our bar staff Candice and Chris. Saturday evening opening seems to be picking up so we will be continuing it until our refurbishment closure. Thanks to Liam our stage manager who often works above and beyond the call of duty. Also to the furniture moving heroes on Mondays and at functions. And to others who help with tickets and filling envelopes when required.

Grateful thanks to Malcolm who mans the office and Val his assistant. They come to work ‘through hell and high water’ and almost never have a day off sick! Real showbiz troupers. Thank you.

Thanks must go to the Benevolent Fund Trustees who work quietly and confidentially on your behalf. If any ‘A’ members are in need please contact them and if any other members need help, please contact myself or a Committee member because we have the Samaritan Fund which helps and also provides taxis for our less able members.

Finally, an exciting time is approaching! This Committee wants to future proof our wonderful club for the young and not so young for many years to come. So, because of the need for complete rewiring, we will be doing a major refurbishment as well, including the installation of a small platform lift. It will be a lengthy and costly undertaking, but our finances are in excellent order and we have a budget. So please embrace this period of our club.

We have an excellent firm of Architects and they have good consultants and builders. We are on board with every decision and nothing will be done without our agreement. The Committee and I have put a lot of time and effort into this project because we love the club so much. I am very proud and honoured to have been your Chairman again. We need to protect this unique club well into the future. My love and thanks to you all for your support.


CAA Closure











Chairman’s Letter November 2018

Kay Carman

Hello Everyone

Doesn’t time fly! Nearly Christmas already! We have had a fabulous summer but, it is time now for scarves, gloves and boots.

At the AGM, we talked about a huge refurbishment of the Club because it needs completely re-wiring, updating and the installation of a lift.

To this end, the committee narrowed down a list of Architects to 3, who came along in September and gave us ‘presentations’ of their vision of the Club. At this moment of writing we have not chosen ‘the one’ yet, but I will say that we will hopefully have a lift installed during Autumn 2019. At last. Hooray!!

Of course, all of this refurbishment will be expensive and we will have to close the Club for a while. We are looking at alternative venues and at keeping disruption to a minimum and we will discuss it at next year’s AGM.

This is an exciting time for the Club! Myself and the Committee are looking to future proof the Club for many, many years to come. And to make it more appealing to young and old alike. Yes, an exciting time.

The Committee feel that the Green Room can be used as a bar ‘overflow’ on function evenings and when we have large numbers of people attending for various reasons. We have used it for Social Functions ‘overflow’ for a while now. It is normally only required for an hour, whilst waiting for the function/meeting to begin. So please feel free to move in there if you cannot find a seat in the bar on an evening.

I wish you all a wonderful festive season, wherever you are and whatever you are doing! On stage or off. Please support our wonderful Strictly Sparkling Annual Ball on Sunday 24th March 2019 at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington. It will be a very happy evening full of fun.

Much Love….Ho! Ho! Ho! ….Kay (Your Chairman)

Chairman’s Letter – July 2018

Kay Carman 2018 Ball Photo
Kay Carman

Hello everyone. I hope you are enjoying the gorgeous weather!

I am honoured that the Committee have elected me your Chairman once again. You know that I will work 100% plus for you, the members and the club as a whole. I joined this wonderful club in 1979 when I was ‘starting out’ in showbusiness, so you realise why it means so much to me!

We’re having another good year. The new tenants on the 4th floor are happily settled in and have added BT fibre, which we will be able to use once we are technically re-organised. This re-organisation is happening too slowly for us. We are awaiting Raffingers report on exactly everything that we need. Then we can put things into motion! We have chosen three architects to come and view the Hall/Kitchen Reception area etc, with a view to total refurbishment of areas in the hope of installing a viable lift up to the bar. Many of you who have difficulty with mobility are now taking advantage of the taxi rides we are offering you. Please contact me if you require one.

Some of you have been asking about opening on Saturday, as you are in town shopping or at a show and it would be nice to pop into the club on an evening to have a drink. So, we are going to experiment with opening on the LAST Saturday of every month from 5pm to 11.30pm. Starting from Saturday 29th September. This will be expensive in wages etc, so we will ask for a £5 admission donation from each guest as we have great value drinks in the bar. (Members are obviously free as usual.)

Thank you for your support at our Social Functions. We have some great ones coming up and we hope to have a couple of afternoon ones in the September to December season. So, look out for those on the notice board and web site. I will also phone around our ‘regulars’ if anything ’comes up.’

Have a wonderful summer break, a successful autumn season and keep smiling!!

Much love to you all.

Kay (Your Chairman)

P.S. I am thrilled to tell you that we now have “THE CAA ROOM” at Brinsworth House, The Royal Variety Charity Home in Twickenham. Many of our members go there for respite and indeed we have one member at the moment who is a permanent resident. So thank you all at the AGM for agreeing to our donation for this new en suite room. We will also help with its maintenance. It is a lovely large room on the first floor, overlooking a beautiful Lilac tree. We took the money for the room from our Samaritan Fund because it is for the benefit of ALL of our members.

Thank you all, once again – Much Love, Kay xxx

Saturdays at The CAA!

UPDATED 8th May 2024…

This page has been updated a number of times with the latest information before any change although recently overlooked for a while. Any significant changes will AGAIN show on this post before they are scheduled to take effect…

A good number of members had suggested that they would appreciate the club being open on Saturday evenings.

Many attend Saturday matinees or evening performances in town and would like to drop in for a drink, either after or before shows. In response to these requests the committee decided to give it a trial initially with a once a month Saturday opening. Post Pandemic this became a permanent weekly feature.

The bar is open to members and their guests from 5.30pm to 1am (last orders 12.40am)

Extra staff costs are involved and to offset this we will be asking for a £5 admission fee for guests (obviously members are free.)

With our great value for money bar we are sure that £5 will prove a good investment for your friends!