Simon Bashford Celebrates

This year Simon reaches forty years in showbiz and John Orchard and Nathan Pascoe have put together a wonderful documentary to celebrate this milestone.

Website Security Upgrade

updated 7th May 2024


Welcome to

Ultimately my address saving precautions as advised proved unnecessary but, I make no excuse for being cautious. The way is now OPEN for exciting NEW services available directly from the CAA office through this website soon!


Although not affecting the website operation or security, post upgrade there are still a couple of unresolved issues. While the office@ email mailbox is clearly working perfectly (Chris Hare and I have QUADRUPLE checked it with Malcolm!) A new mailbox I setup for the upgrade suddenly failed afterwards as did also the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) I use to backup the website regularly.

The NS (Name Servers) ARE now reporting as fully propagated as of last Thursday so I shall be working with my data centre/service provider to wrap up these loose ends  tomorrow Monday 9/10/23.

Meanwhile and as expected readers will see that website loading times are significantly slower! This is a direct result of the data encryption and that the website now relays through a third party’s SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certification server too! 

Slow load speeds impact on search engine ranking SO over time it is essential that I optimize ALL future pages PLUS all top level pages, especially the home page! For this reason and in anticipation, some while back I created a fast link in the main menu to “Latest News.” 

Website editor Chris Hare and I have been in discussion for months now in preparation for this event and as anticipated this website’s home page will serve more strictly with it’s actual purpose as a HUB with links to relevant content on other pages. 

On the home page there will ALWAYS be a link to NEW content in “Latest News,” “Notices” & new content in the “Members Only Area.” BUT, the latter for members only WILL NOT appear in the “Recent Articles & Notices” box despite being linked from the home page. Members should still visit the home page 1st.


2024.05.07 Tech Update… FTP Access was restored late in 2023 using the direct DNS address and works just fine again! It is assumed that prior to my engagement in 2017 a currently unknown IT specialist setup the office email account to also work directly with the domain DNS? Investigations continue …

Paul Scudder (site admin) 

Sunday Roast


On the first Sunday of every month starting Sunday 3rd September we will be serving traditional Sunday Roast at the Club from 1pm to 5pm.

Roast Beef Dinner
An illustration/decoration NOT an actual example!

Two courses £17.50

Three courses £19.95

The menu will vary slightly each month so please check before you book.

Menu for Sunday 3rd September 2023

Traditional prawn cocktail

Pate and Toast

Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding

Roast half Chicken with Stuffing.

Vegetarian Nut Roast (v)

Served with roast potatoes, seasonal veg and gravy

New York Cheesecake

Chocolate Fondant Ice Cream

BOOKING ESSENTIAL Call the office 0207 836 3172

Peter Cliffe

Bravo Shannon!

previously published on the home page

Our deputy Chair Shannon Rewcroft received a well deserved standing ovation at Wimbledon Theatre following a brilliant solo performance in her Build a Rocket Production directed by CAA member Jordan Langford.

Fortunately it was captured on video. Hit the image below to view the short clip.

Shannon Rewcroft taking a bow

Build a Rocket Flyer

For more information on this production and, links to yet more information please visit the CAA Member’s Gig Guide’ archive section here

Any CAA member can use this TOTALLY FREE search engine optimised service to publicise any staged event.

Best of all! After the event the post is archived with all keywords intact! It’s the CAA gift that keeps on giving!!

Chris Hare

Edinburgh Here They Come!

CAA young members Shannon Rewcroft and Jordan Langford are two creatives from Scarborough doing all they can to get their show, Build a Rocket by Christopher York to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August.

They have been offered a week’s run at Just the Tonic, a venue right in the heart of Edinburgh. I’ve seen the show at Wimbledon Theatre and it is a wonderful production with Shannon delivering a superb solo performance. A real tour de force! Shannon and Jordan are passionate about this production but here’s the snag,

Taking a show to Edinburgh is expensive and for young artists it becomes almost impossible financially without back up. So being determined not to let a little thing like money stand in their way, they are asking for our help.

Build a Rocket Banner

Why go to the fringe? They first worked on the piece in 2022 for director Jordan Langford’s MA in Directing at Rose Bruford College. They fell in love with it and feel it is a truly special piece of writing. Having a fully-fledged one-woman show ready to go they were itching to share this story with as many audiences as they could. So they produced it themselves…not an easy task.

The play’s author Christopher York was also born in Scarborough. Working on something that’s set in their hometown, they felt so connected to the characters and the story. They also resonate with the struggles of the play. Yasmin (the central character of Build a Rocket) is defiant to triumph over adversity!

They want to take their bit of Scarborough to as many places as they can, the long-term aim is to have a production company on board so they can take a community production of Build a Rocket around Yorkshire and the UK. To achieve that aim, they need to get Build a Rocket on the map, get people seeing it, talking about it and excited about it. Where better than the biggest fringe festival in the world?

It is also a career-changing opportunity for them. Jordan graduated in October 2022 as a director and having a production up in Edinburgh in the first year of graduating would help his career go from strength to strength. Shannon has been acting since she graduated from Drama Studio London nine years ago but has never had the chance to perform a one-woman play, let alone one that is set in her hometown and lets her use her own voice. This would be an incredible opportunity for both of them.

What is the show about? Build a Rocket is a one-woman play following the defiant and inspiring story of Yasmin, a teenager from Scarborough whose life is not sandcastles, arcades, and donkey rides as she finds herself pregnant and alone in the world. The show follows her story for eighteen years until her son is coming of age. A unique and bold production, Build a Rocket tells an inspiring, whirlwind story while challenging commonly held perceptions of young motherhood.

Christopher York comments, “Teenage pregnancy is so demonized and we’re quick to blame teenagers. There was a girl I was at school with who had a child at 15. I was astounded at her resilience and that she went on to pass her GCSEs, go to college and university, get married, and raise a wonderful human being. She is a phenomenal person. We are still conservative about these topics. If we were more open and Scandinavian about how we tackled sex and sexual health, especially with young people, we may not have the statistics we do.

So far the project has been self-funded with anything Shannon and Jordan could scrape together, which hasn’t been much. All their set/costumes/props have come from charity shops or have been gifted to them or they have painted/created.

Money raised through fund raising will be used for:

Venue Fees, Festival Registration Fees, Brochure fees, Advertising and Marketing,
Accommodation, Travel, PRS License, Accessibility, Per Diems (basically, a posh way of saying money for the day, so we can eat whilst there!)

They currently won’t be taking a fee. If they get to the fringe and happen to make any profit on the tickets they will split that equally but they are not in this for the money, it’s pure passion that is fuelling their drive to get to Edinburgh and beyond.

So let’s help these valued members of our club realise their dream, really get behind them and chip in as much as we can.

The GoFundMe link can be found below.

Chris Hare