Chairman’s Letter November 2018

Kay Carman

Hello Everyone

Doesn’t time fly! Nearly Christmas already! We have had a fabulous summer but, it is time now for scarves, gloves and boots.

At the AGM, we talked about a huge refurbishment of the Club because it needs completely re-wiring, updating and the installation of a lift.

To this end, the committee narrowed down a list of Architects to 3, who came along in September and gave us ‘presentations’ of their vision of the Club. At this moment of writing we have not chosen ‘the one’ yet, but I will say that we will hopefully have a lift installed during Autumn 2019. At last. Hooray!!

Of course, all of this refurbishment will be expensive and we will have to close the Club for a while. We are looking at alternative venues and at keeping disruption to a minimum and we will discuss it at next year’s AGM.

This is an exciting time for the Club! Myself and the Committee are looking to future proof the Club for many, many years to come. And to make it more appealing to young and old alike. Yes, an exciting time.

The Committee feel that the Green Room can be used as a bar ‘overflow’ on function evenings and when we have large numbers of people attending for various reasons. We have used it for Social Functions ‘overflow’ for a while now. It is normally only required for an hour, whilst waiting for the function/meeting to begin. So please feel free to move in there if you cannot find a seat in the bar on an evening.

I wish you all a wonderful festive season, wherever you are and whatever you are doing! On stage or off. Please support our wonderful Strictly Sparkling Annual Ball on Sunday 24th March 2019 at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington. It will be a very happy evening full of fun.

Much Love….Ho! Ho! Ho! ….Kay (Your Chairman)

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