Dear Members,

I thank all of the members who have been able to visit us and enjoy the camaraderie again! Peter, our new Caterer, has been serving wonderful sandwiches with chips or salad plus delicious afternoon cream teas with smoked salmon sandwiches, scone, cake & strawberries!!
With of course Chris our Barman serving our drinks! We have also had lovely background entertainment some Monday afternoons! So we have seen a return to happier times here at the CAA for 2 months now!
Our Kitchen received a 5 Star Rating from the Westminster Council Inspector last week!! So huge Congratulations To Peter Cliffe!!
To protect everyone the Government has re-introduced a nationwide lockdown from Thursday 5th November, so we will have to close our doors again after business on Wednesday 4th of November!
So please come to see us on the 4th, have a drink and some food!
Malcolm will only man the office for one day a week, so if you have any queries leave a message on the Club phone or call me, live, on 07768 126994. I will be happy for a chat!!
Unfortunately the club is suffering financially the same as every other business in the country! By the end of December we will have lost, from our main income, 3 tenants from our office suites because of the Covid situation, so we are looking for new tenants!!
I am so sad to report that our wonderful long time club and previous Committee member, Peter Durrant , sadly passed away. Peter was the epitome of a TRUE GENTLEMAN! A marvellous raconteur with amazing charm and humour. He gave so much joy to the club. He was greatly loved and will be greatly missed by so many of us! Love and Thanks from us all Peter. RIP.
For a list of those club members who have passed away since the Covid restrictions started, please click on the Final Curtain link on the Home Page.
However – We will keep positive and weather the storm!!! Keep in touch with each other! Especially members who live alone! Keep smiling! We are all here for each other! You have your membership book so CALL someone!! Don’t feel down or depressed you are NOT ALONE! Call any of the Committee for a chat!!
Hopefully we will ‘re open on the 3rd of December!! I have spoken to Peter and if we are allowed we will have some bookable Christmas festivities together! All socially distanced of course! Haha! Or HoHoHo???
Depending on Government directives. Let us be POSITIVE!! Long live the wonderful CAA!!! WE WILL SURVIVE!!
All my love to you all!!
Kay Carman.
So proud to be your Chairman!
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