Guidance for Artwork Submissions


Nothing in the following post changes anything that is working so very well… Generally members ask the website editor Chris Hare for something, he then does his editor stuff and passes his instructions to me understanding it will be actioned within 72 hours max and usually significantly faster!

Please Note…

All artwork featured on this notice is for upcoming events at time of publishing! In each case, once date expired they are moved to a permanently visible archive for the purpose of keyword retention and general interest, so please include the year in the event date!!!

These brief notes are provided here to help with the faster publishing of members’ artwork.

Increasingly members are creating posters and banners offline for publishing on this website.

Such entirely voluntary member participation is very welcome and greatly encouraged.

Furthermore if the artwork is website ready it can be published faster and with less administration time which can help to keep website costs as low as possible!

Passive Artwork…

The coronation party poster illustrated here is a static or passive image. As an image it cannot be read by search engines! Google for example will index it as “an image on the CAA website”

In most cases the image or banner includes artistes’ names and if an online search for that name produced this image in the results it would be fantastic for the artiste and also help maintain the website’s ranking too.

Coronation Party Poster

The Important Solutions…

Images need to be sent to the website editor in file formats of .jpg .jpeg or .png with a MAXIMUM width of 1024 pixels (I can easily re-size if a problem & height is not important.)

Please also ensure there are no spelling errors since we can’t correct them easily if at all and artwork may be rejected as a result.

“Ease of access” to the internet is considered hugely important in search rankings epecially for sight impaired or blind persons!

Special software can read out a description of the image to the user over their computer or phone. Failure to provide such assistance can lower a web page’s overall score significantly!

To the left (or above on a phone) is a screenshot of the submission made for this poster yesterday.

You will see that I’ve added a description which is much the same as the text on the image. As was in this case the text was provided simultaneously in the same email submission to the editor. Here it was in .pdf format in upper case but, could have been just as easily included into the submission email and case is not important.

It need not be every bit of text in the image but needs to adequately decribe the image to a sight impaired reader, however they come to discover the page.

The text is thus written into the page code and indexed accordingly by all search engines including all relevant details.

Active Artwork…

Alternatively you might want to consider this method for submissions?

Below is an example of active artwork! In this instance I was provided with all the text and the two smaller pictures. I sourced a background without text and published it. Such backgrounds can also be submitted if you have one in mind?

The advantage here is that the text IS readable straight from the banner and any subsequent changes can be made on the fly.

Plus the text adapts actively to the readers’ device regardless of size. In most cases this is how submissions are made for the ‘Members Gig Guide‘ too.

The more observant and regular readers here might have also noticed that for quite a while now, I’ve included the current year within the date stamps? This seemingly superfluous inclusion makes sense only when so much of this website is now being archived and in a digital World could last until the end of time!?

Stop Press!…

Below that further is a repeatable example of a templated banner that ticks all the boxes and includes many valuable keywords! 

I’m only allowed to include this once per page per year so make no excuse for including it on this page. However banners such as these observe special rules outside of the topic of this page… Nonetheless did start the same way at the outset! I had to do it with help from Chris Hare (website editor.) These are probably the only examples where outside artwork is not practical in the grand scheme of things when allowing for future variables?

Well done to those that have already got creative… Thank you and Keep up the good work!

Paul Scudder (Site Admin)

FRIDAY 19th MAY 2023 at 7.30pm

Jazz at the CAA title



A wonderful evening celebrating the great lyricist

Johnny Mercer at the Piano



SIMON WALLACE (Piano and Musical Director), ALEC DANKWORTH (Bass) KENRICK ROWE (Drums)

Sarah Moule and Simon Wallace


£20 (Members) £22 (Guests) Call the office 020 7836 3172

Example below of a repeatable templated banner best left to be dealt with in-house!

FRIDAY 16th JUNE 2023 at 7.30pm






Singers, Dancers, Actors, Magicians, Comedians & Intrumentalists


Performers, please bring your own sheet music

£5 entrance fee



At time of publication these two excellent off-line artwork submissions are also upcoming events! Another is in the Members Gig Guide too.

Welsh Male Voice Choir
Monday May 22nd 2023
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